Biomedical Signal Analysis Lab (biosal)

The Biomedical Signal Analysis Lab works to create and enhance methods for measurement of the human body in order to advance biometric-recognition technology.

Using a variety of tools, such as fingerprint, iris and face readers, electrocardiographs and laser Doppler vibrometers (employed in voice recognition), research done in the Lab assists developments in border security, forensics and consumer electronics.

In addition, the Lab serves as a site for the National Science Foundation’s’ (NSF) Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR), a multi-university center working with government and industry to strength identification technology and credibility assessment. More information is available at

Publications by BIOSAL

  • Ayotte, B., Banavar, M., Hou, D. and Schuckers, S., 2020. Fast Free-text Authentication via Instance-based Keystroke Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science.
  • D L. Stevens, S A. Schuckers, Low Probability of Intercept Frequency Hopping Signal Characterization Comparison using the Spectrogram and the Scalogram, Global Journal of Research in Engineering,vol 16,  2016.
  • Ghiani, Luca, David A. Yambay, Valerio Mura, Gian Luca Marcialis, Fabio Roli, and Stephanie A. Schuckers. "Review of the Fingerprint Liveness Detection (LivDet) competition series: 2009 to 2015." Image and Vision Computing (2016), vol. 58, pp. 110-125, 2017.
  • McGuffey, C., Liu, C., & Schuckers, S. Hardware Accelerator Approach Towards Efficient Biometric Cryptosystems for Network Security. CIT. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 23(4), 329-340, 2015.
  • Schuckers, Stephanie. "Presentations and attacks, and spoofs, oh my." Image and Vision Computing 55 (2016): 26-30.
  • Al-Issa, Y., Njagi, J., Schuckers, S. C., & Suni, I. I. (2015). Amperometric Bioelectronic Tongue for glucose determination. Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, 3, 31-37. 2015.
  • Oleksandr Makeyev, Paulo Lopez-Meyer, Stephanie Schuckers, Walter Besio, Edward Sazonov, Automatic food intake detection based on swallowing sounds, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume 7, Issue 6, pp: 649– 656, 2012.
  • A Lewicke, S Schuckers, Analysis of Heart Rate Variability for Predicting Cardiorespiratory Events in Infants,  Biomedical Signal Processing & Control, accepted for publication, 2011.
  • Umasankar Kandaswamy, Schuckers S, Don Adjeroh , Robust Color Texture Features Under Varying Illumination Conditions, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B, accepted for publication, 2011
  • Umasankar Kandaswamy, Schuckers S, Don Adjeroh, Comparison of Texture Analysis Schemes Under Non-ideal Conditions, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 20 Issue:8 pp: 2260 – 2275, 2011.
  • Xu X, Stephanie Schuckers, Artifact Detection in Heart Period Data, Journal of Electrocardiology 2001;34(suppl):101-105. 
  • Schuckers SAC, Approximate entropy applied to arrhythmia detection, Journal of Electrocardiology 1998;31(suppl):101-105.
  • Sazonova NA, DasBanerjee T, Middleton FA, Gowtham S, Schuckers S, Faraone SV,  Transcriptome-Wide Gene Expression in a Rat Model of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms: Rats Developmentally Exposed to Polychlorinated Biphenyls, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, September 24, 2011 (online).
  • Sazonov, E., Schuckers S., The Energetics of Obesity: A Review: Monitoring Energy Intake and Energy Expenditure in Humans, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, IEEE, Volume 29, Issue 1, Pages 31-35, February 2010
  • P Lopez-Meyer, O Makeyev, S Schuckers, E L Melanson, M R Neuman and E Sazonov, Detection of Food Intake from Swallowing Sequences by Supervised and Unsupervised Methods, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Volume 38, Number 8, August, 2010
  • R.F. LeBouf, S. Schuckers, A. Rossner, Preliminary assessment of a model to predict mold contamination based on microbial volatile organic compound profiles, Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN), Volume 408, Issue 17, Pages 3648-3653, 2010. 
  • Sazonov, E., Makeyev, O., Schuckers, S., Lopez-Meyer, P., Melanson, E., Neuman, M., Automatic detection of swallowing events by acoustical means for applications of monitoring of ingestive behavior, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 57(3):626-33, 2010. Epub 2009 Sep 29.
  • E. Sazonov, S. Schuckers, P. Lopez-Meyer, O. Makeyev, E. L. Melanson, M. Neuman and J. Hill, Toward Objective Monitoring of Ingestive Behavior in Free-living Population, Obesity, vol 17(10):1971-5, 2009.
  • Tan B, Schuckers S, Spoofing Protection for Fingerprint Scanner by Fusing Ridge Signal and Valley Noise, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 43, Issue 8, August 2010, pp. 2845-2857, Available online 10 March 2010.
  • Aditya Abhyankara, StephanieSchuckers, A novel biorthogonal wavelet network system for off-angle iris recognition, Pattern Recognition, Volume 43, Issue 3, Pages 987-1007, March 2010
  • A. Lewicke, K. Bellor, K. Dillon, T. Kaib, S. Szymkiewicz, S. Schuckers, Exploring QT Interval Changes as a Precursor to the Onset of Ventricular Fibrillation/Tachycardia, Journal of Electrocardiology, vol. 42, Issue 4, pp. 374-379 2009.
  • Aditya Abhyankar, Stephanie Schuckers, Iris Quality Assessment and Bi-orthogonal Wavelet Based Encoding for Recognition, Pattern Recognition, vol. 42, pp. 1878-1894, September 2009.
  • Caswell SA, Jenkins JM, DiCarlo LA. Comprehensive ventricular fibrillation detection scheme for ICDs.  Journal of Electrocardiology 1997;30 (suppl):148-153.
  • Jenkins JM, Caswell SA. Detection algorithms in implantable cardioverter defibrillators.  Proceedings of the IEEE 1996;84:428-445.
  • DiCarlo LA, Jenkins JM, Caswell SA, Morris M, Pariseau B.  Tachycardia detection by antitachycardia devices:  present limitations and future strategies.  Journal of Interventional Cardiology 1994;7:459-471.
  • Caswell SA, DiCarlo LA, Chiang CJ, Jenkins JM. Automated analysis of spontaneously occurring arrhythmias by implantable devices:  limitation of using rate and timing features alone.  J of Electrocardiology  1994;27:151-156.
  • Aditya Abhyankar, Stephanie Schuckers Integrating a wavelet based perspiration liveness check with fingerprint recognition, Pattern Recognition, vol. 42,  pp. 452-464, March 2009.
  • A. Abhyankar, S. Schuckers, Encryption of Biometric Templates using One Time Biometric Transform Algorithm, CiiT International Journal of Biometrics and Bioinformatics, BB062009002, June 2009.
  • A. Abhyankar, S. Schuckers, A Wavelet based Invigoration Check in Fingerprint Scanners, CiiT International Journal of Biometrics and Bioinformatics, BB062009003, June 2009.
  • A. Abhyankar, N. Kulkarni, S. Kumar S. Schuckers, Fingerprint Image Quality and Prediction of Matching Performance, CiiT International Journal of Digital Image Processing, DIP062009006, June 2009.
  • Sazanov E, Schuckers S, Lopez-Meyer P, Makeyev O, Sazonova N, Melanson EL, Neuman M, Non-invasive monitoring of chewing and swallowing for objective quantification of ingestive behavior, Physiologic Measurements, vol. 20, pp. 525-541, 2008.
  • Robert Dowman, Daniel Rissacher, Stephanie Schuckers, EEG indices of tonic pain-related activity in the somatosensory cortices, Clinical Neurophysiology, vol. 119, pp. 1201-1212, 2008.
  • Tan B, Schuckers S A New Approach for Liveness Detection in Fingerprint Scanners Based on Valley Noise Analysis, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 011009-1 to 011009-9, 2008.
  • Aaron Lewicke, Edward Sazonov, Stephanie Schuckers, Sleep Versus Wake Classification from Heart Rate Variability Using Computational Intelligence: Consideration of Rejection in Classification Models, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 55, pp. 108-118, 2008.
  • Stephanie Schuckers, Natalia A. Schmid, Aditya Abhyankar, Vivekanand Dorairaj, Chris Boyce, Lawrence A. Hornak, On Techniques for Angle Compensation in Non-Ideal Iris Recognition, IEEE Transactions of Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Volume 37,  Issue 5,  Page(s):1176 – 1190, Oct. 2007.
  • Parthasaradhi S, Derakhshani R, Hornak L, Schuckers SAC, Time-Series Detection of Perspiration as a Liveness Test in Fingerprint Devices, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C:  Applications and Reviews, vol. 35, pp. 335- 343, 2005.
  • Sazonov E, Sazonova, N, Schuckers SAC, Neuman M, and CHIME Study Group, Activity-based sleep-wake identification in infants, Physiol. Meas, vol. 25 pp. 1291-1304, 2004. Chosen by editors as “IoP Select” article.
  • Derakhshani R, Schuckers SAC, Determination of Vitality From A Non-Invasive Biomedical Measurement for Use in Fingerprint Scanners, Pattern Recognition, No.2 pp. 383-396, 2003.
  • Schuckers SAC, Spoofing and Anti-Spoofing Measures, Information Security Technical Report, Vol. 7, No. 4, pages 56 – 62, 2002.
  • Chiang CM, Jenkins JM, Caswell SA, Stevenson SA, DiCarlo LA, Augmented two-channel arrhythmia detection:  an efficient diagnostic method for implantable devices. PACE 1996;19:1-9.
  • Schuckers SAC, Automated Arrhythmia Detection, in Encyclopedia of Medical Devices, Wiley-Interscience, 2 edition, ISBN:  0471263583, 2006.
  • Schuckers SAC, Derakhshani R, Parthasardhi S, Hornak, LA, Liveness Detection in Biometric Devices, in Electrical Engineering Handbook, 3rd edition, CRC Press, Chapter 26, ISBN: 084932274X, 2006.
  • Andy Adler, Stephanie Schuckers, Security and Liveness: Overview, in Encyclopedia of Biometrics, editor: Stan Li, Springer Reference, 2009.
  • Andy Adler, Stephanie Schuckers, Biometric Vulnerabilities: Overview, in Encyclopedia of Biometrics, editor: Stan Li, Springer Reference, 2009.
  • Stephanie Schuckers, Liveness: Fingerprint, in Encyclopedia of Biometrics, editor: Stan Li, Springer Reference, 2009.
  • Natalia A. Schmid, Stephanie Schuckers,  Jonathon Phillips, Kevin Bowyer, Recent Advances in Biometric Systems: A Signal Processing Perspective, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing,  Vol. 2009
  • Edward Sazonov, Stephanie Schuckers, Paulo Lopez-Meyer, Oleksandr Makeyev, Nadezhda Sazonova, Edward L Melanson and Michael Neuman, Reply to Comment on Non-invasive monitoring of chewing and swallowing for objective quantification of ingestive behavior, Physiological Measurement, Vol. 30 pp. L5-L7, May 2009.
  • Priyanka Das, Laura Holsopple, Stephanie Schuckers, Analysis of Dilation in Children and its Impact on Iris Recognition, accepted to IJCB 2020
  • Priyanka Das, Joseph McGrath, Zhaoyuan Fang, Aidan Boyd, Ganghee Jang, Amir Mohammadi, Sandip Purnapatra, David Yambay, S´ebastien Marcel, Mateusz Trokielewicz, Piotr Maciejewicz, Kevin Bowyer, Adam Czajka, Stephanie Schuckers, et. al., Iris Liveness Detection Competition (LivDet-Iris) – The 2020 Edition, Accepted to IJCB 2020.
  • Sandip Purnapatra, Priyanka Das, Laura Holsopple, Stephanie Schuckers, Longitudinal study of voice recognition in children, accepted to BioSIG 2020.
  • B. Ayotte, M.K. Banavar, D. Hou, S. Schuckers, "Fast and Accurate Continuous User Authentication by Fusion of Instance-based, Free-text Keystroke Dynamics," BIOSIG 2019.
  • Liu, Y., Sun, G. and Schuckers, S., 2019, June. Enabling Secure and Privacy Preserving Identity Management via Smart Contract. In 2019 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  • Blaine Ayotte, Jiaju Huang, Mahesh K. Banavar, Daqing Hou, and Stephanie Schuckers, Fast Continuous User Authentication using Distance Metric Fusion of Free-text Keystroke Data, CVPR Workshop on Biometrics 2019.
  • Huang, J., Klee, B., Schuckers, D., Hou, D. and Schuckers, S., 2019, January. Removing Personally Identifiable Information from Shared Dataset for Keystroke Authentication Research. In 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Identity, Security, and Behavior Analysis (ISBA) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
  • Richard Plesh, Keivan Bahmani, Ganghee Jang, David Yambay, Ken Brownlee, Timothy Swyka. Peter Johnson, Arun Ross, Stephanie Schuckers, Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection utilizing Time-Series, Color Fingerprint Captures, International Conference on Biometrics 2019.
  • David Yambay, Morgan Johnson, Keivan Bahmani, Stephanie Schuckers, A Feasibility Study on Utilizing Toe Prints for Biometric Verification of Children,  International Conference on Biometrics 2019.  
    Semnani-Azad, Z., Chien, S.Y.J., Forster, Y., Schuckers, S. and Gan, H., 2019, January. Development of Trust Measure in Biometric Technology. In Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
  • Qi, X., Liu, C. and Schuckers, S., 2018, May. IoT edge device based key frame extraction for face in video recognition. In 2018 18th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID) (pp. 641-644). IEEE.
  • Qi, X., Liu, C. and Schuckers, S., 2018, January. CNN based key frame extraction for face in video recognition. In 2018 IEEE 4th International Conference on Identity, Security, and Behavior Analysis (ISBA) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  • Schilling, B., Bahmani, K., Li, B., Banerjee, S., Smith, J.S., Moshier, T. and Schuckers, S., 2018. Validation of Biometric Identification of Dairy Cows based on Udder NIR Images. arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.09918.
  • Yambay D, Stephanie Schuckers, Samantha Denning, Constantin Sandmann, Andrey Bachurinski, Josh Hogan, LivDet 2017 - Fingerprint Systems Liveness Detection Competition, IEEE BTAS 2018.
  • Murphy, C., Huang, J., Hou, D. and Schuckers, S., 2017, October. Shared dataset on natural human-computer interaction to support continuous authentication research. In Biometrics (IJCB), 2017 IEEE International Joint Conference on (pp. 525-530). IEEE.
  • Huang, J., Hou, D., Schuckers, S., Law, T. and Sherwin, A., 2017, December. Benchmarking keystroke authentication algorithms. In Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), 2017 IEEE Workshop on (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  • M Johnson, D Yambay, D Rissacher, L Holsopple, S Schuckers, A Longitudinal Study of Iris Recognition in Children, ISBA 2018
  • Xuan Qi, Chen Liu, Stephanie Schuckers, Boosting Face in Video Recognition via CNN based Key Frame Extraction, The 11th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB 2018)
  • F Anjomshoa, B Kantarci, M Erol-Kantarci, S Schuckers, Detection of Spoofed Identities on Smartphones via Sociability Metrics, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2017.
  • Anjomshoa, F., Aloqaily, M., Kantarci, B., Erol-Kantarci, M. and Schuckers, S.. Social behaviometrics for personalized devices in the internet of things era. IEEE Access, 5, pp.12199-12213, 2017.
  • D Yambay, B Becker, N Kohli, D Yadav, A Czajka, KW Bowyer, S Schuckers, R Singh, M Vatsa, A Noore, D Gragnaniello, C Sansone, L Verdoliva, L He, Y Ru, H Li, N Liu, Z Sun, T Tan, LivDet Iris 2017 - Iris Liveness Detection Competition 2017, IJCB 2017
  • D. Yambay, B. Walczak, S. Schuckers, A. Czajka, LivDet-Iris 2015 – Iris Liveness Detection Competition 2015, IEEE ISBA, 2017.
  • F Anjomshoa, M Catalfamo, D Hecker, N Helgeland, A Rasch, B Kantarci, M Erol-Kantarci, and S Schuckers. "Mobile behaviometric framework for sociability assessment and identification of smartphone users." In Computers and Communication (ISCC), 2016 IEEE Symposium on, pp. 1084-1089. IEEE, 2016.
  • F Anjomshoa, B Kantarci, M Erol-Kantarci, S Schuckers, Detection of Spoofed Identities on Smartphones via Sociability Metrics, 2017 IEEE ICC (accepted).
  • F Anjomshoa, B Kantarci, M Erol-Kantarci, and S Schuckers. "A mobile platform for sociability-based continuous identification." In Computer Aided Modelling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 2016 IEEE 21st International Workshop on, pp. 149-151. IEEE, 2016.
  • Huang, J., Hou, D., & S. Schuckers, Effects of Text Filtering on Authentication Performance of Keystroke Biometrics, IEEE WIFS, 2016.
    V Mura, L Ghiani, G L Marcialis, F Roli, D Yambay, S Schuckers,  LivDet 2015 Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition 2015, IEEE BTAS 2015.
  • B. Kantarci, M. Erol-Kantarci, S. Schuckers, "Towards secure cloud-centric Internet of Biometric Things, " in Proc. IEEE Intl. Conference on Cloud Networking (CLOUDNET), Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, pp. 81-83, Oct. 2015
  • Daniel Rissacher, Daniel Galy, Stephanie Schuckers, Wei Zhang, Mark Southcott, Luke Rumbaugh, William Jemison  Cardiac Radar for Biometric Identification using Nearest Neighbour of Continuous Wavelet Transform Peaks, ISBA 2015, Hong Kong.
  • J Huang, D Hou, S Schuckers, Effect of Data Size on Performance of Free-text Keystroke Authentication, ISBA 2015.
  • E Vural, J Huang, D Hou, S Schuckers, Shared Research Dataset to Support Development of Keystroke Authentication, IJCB 2014.
  • Johnson P, Schuckers S, Fingerprint Pore Characteristics for Liveness, IEEE BioSIG 2014
  • T Yang, J Stahl, S Schuckers, F Hua, C B Boehnen, M Karakaya, Gaze Angle Estimate and Correction in Iris Recognition, IEEE SSCI 2014.
  • T Yang, J Stahl, S Schuckers, F Hua, Subregion Mosaicking Applied to Nonideal Iris Recognition, IEEE SSCI 2014.
  • D Yambay, J Doyle, K Bowyer, A Czajka, S Schuckers, LivDet-Iris 2013 – Iris Liveness Detection Competition 2013, IJCB 2014.
  • Johnson, P.; Fang Hua; Schuckers, S., "Texture Modeling for Synthetic Fingerprint Generation," Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2013 IEEE Conference on, pp.154-159, 23-28 June 2013.
  • Stevens D, Schuckers S, A Novel Approach for the Characterization of FSK Low Probability of Intercept Radar Signals Via Application of the Reassignment Method, MILCOM 2014.
  • Esra Vural, Steven Simske, S Schuckers, Verification of Individuals from Accelerometer Measures of Cardiac Chest  Movements, Proceedings of BioSIG 2013.
  • L Ghiani, D Yambay, V Mura, S Tocco, GL Marcialis, F Roli, S Schuckers, LivDet 2013 - Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition 2013, 6th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), 2013
  • G Torres, JKT Chang, F Hua, C Liu and S Schuckers, A Power-Aware Study of Iris Matching Algorithms on Intel's SCC, The 2013 International Workshop on Embedded Multicore Systems (ICPP-EMS 2013), in conjunction with ICPP 2013, Lyon, France, October 1-4, 2013
  • D. Yambay, L Ghiani, P Denti, G L Marcialis, F Roli, S Schuckers, LivDet 2011- Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition 2011, Proceedings of ICB, 2012.
  • Remus, Jeremiah J., Estrada, Jenniffer M.,  Schuckers, Stephanie A. C. Mitigating effects of recording condition mismatch in speaker recognition using partial least squares, In INTERSPEECH-2012, 2674-2677, 2012
  • N Sazonova, F Hua, X Liu, J Remus, A Ross, L Hornak, S Schuckers, A Study on Quality-adjusted Impact of Time Lapse on Iris Recognition, Proc. SPIE 8371, 83711W, 2012.
  • A. S. Abhyankar, L. A. Hornak, S. C. Schuckers, Biorthogonal wavelet-based iris recognition, Biometric Technology For Human Identification II, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. #5779, Orlando, FL March 2005.
  • Derakhshani R, Schuckers SAC, "Continuous Time Delay Neural Networks for Detection of Temporal Patterns in Signals." Neural Networks, 2004. Proceedings. 2004 IEEE International Joint Conference on, Volume 4,  Page(s):2723 - 2728 vol.4, 25-29 July 2004.
  • Parthasaradhi S, Schuckers SAC, Derakhshani R, Hornak L, Improvement of an algorithm for recognition of liveness using perspiration in fingerprint devices, Proceedings of the SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Biometric Technology for Human Identification, Orlando, April, 2004.
  • Abhyankar A, Schuckers SA, Wavelet-based approach to detecting liveness in fingerprint scanners, Proceedings of the SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Biometric Technology for Human Identification, Orlando, April, 2004.
  • G. Fahmy, L. Hornak, N. Schmid, X. Li, S. Schuckers, Non-frontal/Non-ideal Iris Localization and Acquisition, Proceedings for SPIE, vol. 5601, pp. 267-275, 2004
  • Raphisak P, Curry AD, Malkin RA, Schuckers SAC, Heart Rate Variability in Rats with Aldosterone–Induced Chronic Heart Failure, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2003. Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Volume 1,  17-21 Page(s):228 - 231 Vol.1, Sept. 2003.
  • Schuckers SAC, Pisut Raphisak, Distinction of Arrhythmias with the Use of Approximate Entropy, Computers in Cardiology 1999, IEEE Press, pp. 347-350, 1999.
  • Schuckers SAC, Approximate Entropy as a Measure of Morphologic Variability for Ventricular Tachycardia and Fibrillation, Computers in Cardiology, IEEE Press pp. 265-268, 1998.
  • N Sazonova, F Hua, X Liu, J Remus, A Ross, L Hornak, S Schuckers, A Study on Quality-adjusted Impact of Time Lapse on Iris Recognition, Proc. SPIE 8371, 83711W, 2012.
  • Fang Hua, Peter Johnson, Nadezhda Sazonova, Paulo Lopez-Meyer, Stephanie Schuckers, Impact of Out-of-focus Blur on Face Recognition Performance Based on Modular Transfer Function, International Conference on Biometrics, 2012.
  • P. A. Johnson, F. Hua, S. Schuckers, Comparison of Quality-Based Fusion of Face and Iris Biometrics, International Joint Conference on Biometrics, accepted, Oct. 2011.
  • Emanuela Marasco, Peter Johnson, Carlo Sansone, Stephanie Schuckers, Increase the Security of Multibiometric Systems by Incorporating a Spoofing Detection Algorithm in the Fusion Mechanism, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6713/2011, Pages 309-318, 2011
  • Nadezhda Sazonova, Paulo Lopez-Meyer, Edward Sazonov, Stephanie Schuckers, Peter Johnson,  Lawrence Hornak , Impact of out-of-focus blur on iris recognition, Conference Proceedings: Sensing Technologies for Global Health, Military Medicine, Disaster Response, and Environmental Monitoring; and Biometric Technology for Human Identification VIII,   Volume 8029, 2011
  • Bozhao Tan, Lewicke, A., Yambay, D., Schuckers, S., The effect of environmental conditions and novel spoofing methods on fingerprint anti-spoofing algorithms, Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), 2010 IEEE International Workshop, Pages 1-6, February 10, 2011
  • P. A. Johnson, B. Tan, S. Schuckers, Multimodal Fusion Vulnerability to Non-Zero Effort (Spoof) Imposters, Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, 2010.
  • P. A. Johnson, P. Lopez-Meyer, N. Sazonova, F. Hua, S. Schuckers, Quality in Face and Iris Research Ensemble (Q-FIRE), Proceedings of Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems, 2010.
  • Aditya Abhyankara, StephanieSchuckers, Towards Securing Biometric Templates using Self Generated Dynamic Helper Data, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2010,  Volume  I, June 30 - July 2, 2010
  • Lopez-Meyer, P., Schuckers, S., Makeyev, O., Sazonov, E., Detection of periods of food intake using Support Vector Machines, Conference Proceedings: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, Pages 1004-1007, November 11, 2011
  • David Illig, Aaron Lewicke, Stephanie Schuckers, Electrocardiogram features for detection of abnormal cardiac events, Journal of Electrocardiology,  Volume 43, Issue 6, Pages 642-643, November 2010
  • Brian DeCann, Bozhao Tan, Stephanie Schuckers, A Novel Region Based Liveness Detection Approach for Fingerprint Scanners, Advances in Biometrics, Volume 5558/ 2009, Pages 627-636, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-01793-3_64, 2009
  • Edward S. Sazonov, George Fulk, Nadezhda Sazonova and Stephanie Schuckers, Automatic Recognition of Postures and Activities in Stroke Patients, Conference Proceedings: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2200-2203, September 2009
  • N Sazonova, S Schuckers, Fast and efficient iris image enhancement using logarithmic image processing, Biometric Technology for Human Identification VII. Edited by Vijaya Kumar, B. V. K.; Prabhakar, Salil; Ross, Arun A. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 7667, pp. 76670K-76670K-9 (2010).
  • Lewicke A, Sazonov E, Schuckers SAC, CHIME study group, Sleep-wake identification in infants:  heart rate variability compared to actigraphy, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2004. EMBC 2004. Conference Proceedings. 26th Annual International Conference of the, Volume 1,  Page(s):442 - 445 Vol.1, 2004.
  • Raphisak P, Schuckers SAC, AD Curry, An algorithm for EMG noise detection in large ECG data, Computers in Cardiology, 2004, Page(s):369 – 372, 19-22 Sept. 2004.
  • Raphisak P, Schuckers SAC, Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in a Rabbit Model of Heart Failure Using Karhunen-Loeve Expansion, Bioengineering Conference, 2003 IEEE 29th Annual, Proceedings of, Page(s):242 – 243, 22-23 March 2003.
  • Sazonova N, Sazonov E, Schuckers SAC, Activity-Based Sleep-Wake Identification In Infants, Proceedings of 2002 Computers in Cardiology, IEEE Press 0276-6547/02, vol. 29, pp. 525-528.
  • Schuckers SAC, Xu Xueyan, Schuckers ME, Jenkins JM, Ventricular Arrhythmia Detection Using Time-Domain Template Algorithms, Proceedings of the IEEE 24th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference 1998, IEEE Press, pp. 21-23.
  • Caswell SA, Thompson JA, Jenkins JM, DiCarlo LA. Separation of ventricular tachycardia from ventricular fibrillation using paired unipolar electrodes. Computers in Cardiology, IEEE Press pp. 1-4, 1996
  • Sazonova N, Njagi JI, Marchese ZS, Ball MS, Andreescu S, Schuckers S, “Detection and prediction of concentrations of neurotransmitters using voltammetry and pattern recognition,” Conference Proceedings: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 3493-3496, 2009.
  • G.L. Marcialis, A. Lewicke, B. Tan, P Coli, F. Roli, D. Grimberg, A. Congiu, A. Tidu, S Schuckers, and the LivDet 2009 Group, First International Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition—LivDet 2009, Proceedings of ICIAP, Sept 2009
  • Oleksandr Makeyev, Edward Sazonov, Stephanie Schuckers, Paulo Lopez-Meyer, Ed Melanson, Michael Neuman, Limited Receptive Area Neural Classifier for Recognition of Swallowing Sounds Using Continuous Wavelet Transform, 29th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, 2007.
  • Umasankar Kandaswamy, Donald Adjeroh, Natalia Schmid, Stephanie Schuckers, Error Encoded Pde-Textons For Face Recognition, Automatic Identification and Advanced Technologies, IEEE Workshop on, June 10-11, 2007.
  • D. Rissacher, R. Dowman, S.A.C. Schuckers, Identifying Frequency-Domain Features for an EEG-Based Pain Measurement System 33rd Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference Stony Brook University, NY, pp. 114-115, March 10-11 2007.
  • N. Sazonova, Sazonov Edward, Stephanie Schuckers, Bozhao Tan, Sleep State Scoring in Infants from Respiratory and Activity Measurements, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2006. EMBS '06. 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, Page(s):2462 – 2465, Aug, 2006.
  • Abhyankar A, Schuckers SAC, Fingerprint Liveness Detection using Local Ridge Frequencies and Multiresolution Texture Analysis Techniques, Image Processing, 2006 IEEE International Conference on, Page(s):321 – 324, 8-11 Oct. 2006.
  • Aditya Abhyankar, Stephanie Schuckers, Active Shape Models for Effective Iris Segmentation, Proceedings of SPIE, Orlando, FL March 2006.
  • Bozhao Tan, Stephanie Schuckers, Comparison of ridge- and intensity-based perspiration liveness detection methods in fingerprint scanners, Proceedings of SPIE, Orlando, FL March 2006.
  • Bozhao Tan, Stephanie Schuckers, Liveness Detection for Fingerprint Scanners Based on the Statistics of Wavelet Signal Processing, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop, 2006 Conference on, Page(s):26 – 26, 17-22 June 2006.
  • Aditya Abhyankar, Stephanie Schuckers, Empirical Mode Decomposition Liveness Check in Fingerprint Time Series Captures, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop, 2006 Conference on, Page(s):28 – 28, 17-22 June 2006.
  • Abhyankar A, Hornak LA, Schuckers SACS, Off-angle iris recognition using bi-orthogonal wavelet network system, in Automatic Identification Advanced Technologies, 2005. Fourth IEEE Workshop on, Page(s):239 – 244, 17-18 Oct. 2005.
  • Aaron Lewicke, Edward Sazonov, Michael Corwin and Stephanie Schuckers, Reliable Determination of Sleep versus Wake from Heart Rate Variability, Neural Networks, 2005. IJCNN '05. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International Joint Conference on Volume 4,  Page(s):2394 - 2399 vol. 4, 31 July-4 Aug. 2005. (Best Student Poster Paper in Applications)
  • Abhyankar A, Schuckers SAC, Characterization, similarity score, and uniqueness of fingerprint perspiration patterns, Proceedings of Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication: 5th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Kanade et al ( eds.)  Springer Verlag GmbH, 3546: 860-868, 2005
  • Schuckers SAC, Parthasaradhi S, Derakhshani R, Hornak L, Comparison of classification methods for time-series detection of perspiration as a liveness test in fingerprint devices, Biometric Authentication: First International Conference (ICBA), LNCS 3072, Springer, Hong Kong, July 2004, pp. 256-263.
  • Schuckers SAC, Abhyankar A, A Wavelet Based Approach to Detecting Liveness in Fingerprint Scanners, Proceedings of the Biometric Authentication Workshop, LNCS 3087, Springer, ECCV, Prague, May, 2004, pp. 100-110.
  • Raphisak P, Schuckers SAC, Development Of An Experimental Method For Long-Term Electrocardiographic Recordings In A Heart Failure Rabbit Model, Proceedings of 2002 Computers in Cardiology, IEEE Press 0276-6547/02, vol. 29, pp. 333-336.
  • Xu X, Schuckers SAC, Comparison Of Heart Rate Variability Measurements In Infants, Proceedings of 2002 Computers in Cardiology, IEEE Press 0276-6547/02, vol. 29, pp. 585-588.
  • Derakhshani R, Schuckers SAC, “Biologically Inspired Evolutionary Temporal Neural Circuits.” Proceedings of IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Honolulu, HI, 2002.
  • Schuckers SAC, Crihalmeanu S, Raphisak P, Xu Xueyan, Analysis of Long-Term Electrocardiographic Data in a Rabbit Model of Heart Failure, IEEE Engineering Medicine and Biology Society Annual Conference Proceedings, October 2001.
  • Derakhshani R, Schuckers SAC, Hornak L, O’Gorman L, Neural Network-Based Approach for Detection of Liveness in Fingerprint Scanners, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2001 Proceedings, Editor H.R.Arabnia, CSREA Press, pp. 1099-1105, 2001.
  • Jenkins JM, Caswell SA, Yan MC, DiCarlo LA.  Is waveform analysis a viable consideration for implantable devices given its computational demand?  Computers in Cardiology, IEEE Press pp. 839-842, 1993.
  • Caswell SA, Kluge KS, Chiang CM, Jenkins JM, DiCarlo LA.  Pattern recognition of cardiac arrhythmias using two intracardiac channels.  Computers in Cardiology, IEEE Press pp. 181-184, 1993.
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