Campus Safety and Security

Safety and Security Across Campus
Blue light security phones on campus.
Campus Safety & Security officers patrol the Potsdam campus
All day, every day.
Campus Safety Officers
Certified full and part-time.
Safe at Home
The crime rate at Clarkson is relatively low, especially when compared to other colleges and universities our size. Our Potsdam location, in a quiet region on the edge of the Adirondacks, is part of the reason for that. But, a larger one is the all-hands approach to safety our department takes.
Campus Safety & Security works closely with local law enforcement agencies in aiding investigations of crimes committed on the campus and in off-campus areas as required by the Jeanne Clery Act, specifically off-campus fraternities and sororities.
Get the KnightWatch App
We need your help to keep our community safe. But, we also understand that you might be uneasy about getting too involved with a situation. The KnightWatch app is an anonymous tip-reporting tool that can be downloaded to your phone, tablet or computer. When you use it to alert us of a crime or another situation, we immediately receive a notification and respond to the incident accordingly.