How to apply
Before applying, please review the steps outlined below to make sure you have all the information necessary to make the application process go smoothly.
Questions? Contact Dr. Leo Y. Jiang, PI of PwrEng-REU,
- May 26, 2025 – Aug 1, 2025
Please check you meet the eligibility requirements stated in Program Information.
Please be ready to provide basic information such as your legal name, contact email, mailing address, phone number, major, current academic level (i.e., first year, second-year, third-year, fourth-year), institution, etc.
You will need to submit a PDF of your resume/CV with your application. Need tips on putting one together? (Here's a helpful video. Thanks to my colleague Prof. Alan Christian)
Please prepare a single personal essay that addresses the following (making sure to have the required formatting):
Title on top: “FirstName LastName Personal Statement”
Saved as ”LastName Personal Statement;” saved as a PDF
Each item/question should be answered concisely in a single paragraph or two.
First Paragraph
Introduce yourself, your major, your institution, current academic level (i.e., first-year, second-year, third-year, fourth-year), and briefly anything else you may think is relevant to introduce yourself)
Second Paragraph
Describe your interest in the electricity infrastructure, engineering, and technology and your short-term (for the summer research experience) and long-term (broader educational and career) goals (Please include your graduate study plan here).
Third Paragraph
What qualities and characteristics will you bring to the summer research experience from your educational and life experiences?
Fourth Paragraph (optional)
What else would you like the selection committee to know that has not already been covered?
Fifth Paragraph
Conclude your personal statement verifying your eligibility and interest in PwrEng REU and adding anything else you would like to tell us.
Need some help? Watch our Personal Statement video. (Thanks to my colleague Prof. Alan Christian)
We will need a PDF copy of your transcript or current unofficial undergraduate transcript.
If your transcript doesn’t include current course grades, that is okay; however, if the unofficial transcript does not capture current introductory courses, please try to capture those enrollments through a screenshot of your schedule as well as part of the transcript submission.
Please save PDF copy of transcript as “FirstName LastName Transcript” and upload during application process.
Please identify two professors, mentors, or supervisors who can provide a letter of recommendation on your behalf.
You will need to provide each of their names, affiliations, and email addresses in the application form.
We ask that at least one of your letter writers be a professor or academic adviser.
Letter writers will receive an email from us requesting these letters for applicants if needed.
Prior to applying, go to the “Research Projects” page and review potential projects.
In the application form, you will need to identify three research topics from our “Research Projects” page.