I am a biomechanical engineer with expertise in orthopedic biomechanics. I became interested in biomechanics as an undergraduate student, when I learned that engineers can help clinicians better understand the human body to improve outcomes for patients with disabilities.
Education Background
Bioengineering Ph.D. - 2008 Univeristy of Pittsburgh
Mechanical Engineering M.S. - 2003 Cornell University
Engineering Mechanics B.S. - 2001 Michigan State University
Music B.A. - 2001 Michigan State University
Courses Taught
- ES/ME380 - Biomechanics
- ES220 - Statics
- ES223 - Rigid Body Dynamics
Research Interests
Dr. Kuxhaus's research in the broad field of orthopaedic biomechanics includes both ex-vivo models of orthopaedic trauma and repair, and measurements of upper extremity function during common and specialized activities of daily living. Past work has focused on the upper extremity with particular emphasis on the elbow and its joint stiffness. Other past projects included measurements and models of thumb force production capabilities in impaired and unimpaired individuals, quantification of ankle proprioception, and a comparison of the performance of two different hip implant designs. Her current research includes both experiments and theoretical models using the principles of solid mechanics to investigate orthopedics. A novel intramedullary nail has been designed in her laboratory. Vertebral ring apophysis fractures have been created using a cervine ex-vivo model, with the goal of preventing these debilitating injuries. Ongoing work also quantifies the material and microarchitectural properties of cancellous bone. Dr. Kuxhaus also studies the pedagogy of biomechanics within an active learning environment.
Kuxhaus L, Clark AM "Adjustable-length Orthopaedic Device." USPTO US 9,161,790 B2. Approved 10/20/15
- Kuxhaus L and Troy KL. (2018) “Bad to the Bone: Multifaceted Enrichment of Open-Ended Biomechanics Class Projects.” J Biomech Eng.; 140(8):081008-081008-5. doi:10.1115/1.4040293. TIMES CITED: 0 Gale
- NC† (Corbiere), Zeigler SL, Towler CD, Mondal S, Issen KA, Mesfin A, Michalek AJ, Kuxhaus L. (2018) “Increased lumbar spinal column laxity due to low-angle, low-load cyclic flexion predisposes to acute injury” JOR Spine. 2018;e1038. TIMES CITED: 0 Michalek AJ, Kuxhaus
- L., Jaremczuk D‡, Zaino NL‡ (2018) “Proteoglycans contribute to local swelling pressure, but not compressive mechanics, in intact cervine medial meniscus.” J Biomech, 74, p. 8691. doi: TIMES CITED: 2 Hedgeland MJ†, Ciani MJ, Clark AM,
- Michalek AJ, Kuxhaus L. (2017) “A proximally-adjustable variable length intramedullary nail: ex-vivo quasi-static and cyclic loading evaluation.” ASME J Med Dev, 11(4), 045001(1-7) doi: 10.1115/1.4037260 TIMES CITED: 0
- Zaino NL‡, Hedgeland MJ†, Ciani MJ, Clark AM, Kuxhaus L, Michalek AJ. (2017) “White-tailed deer as an ex-vivo knee model: joint morphometry and ACL rupture strength.” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 45(4), 1093-1100. doi:10.1007/s10439-016-1746-8 TIMES CITED: 2
- Cassidy E, McCullom SB, Parnes N, Kuxhaus, L, Ciani MJ. (2016). “Morphological variation of the carotid arterial system increases the risk of development of central nervous system ischemia.” Clinical Medicine Reviews in Vascular Health, 8, 1-5. doi: 10.4137/CMRVH.S38902.
- Corbiere NC, Zeigler SL, Issen KA, Michalek AJ, Kuxhaus L. (2016) “Ring apophysis fractures induced by low-load low-angle repetitive flexion in an ex-vivo cervine model” J Biomech, 49(9):1477-81. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.03.022.
- Kuxhaus L, Corbiere NC. (2016) “Classroom Journal Club: collaborative study of contemporary primary literature in the biomechanics classroom.” J Biomech Eng, 138(7), 070801 (5 pages). doi: 10.1115/1.4032802.
- McDonald LT, Corbiere NC, DeLisle JA, Clark AM, Kuxhaus L. (2016) "Winning the war on postoperative pain: a multimodal strategy to reduce pain and narcotic pain medication usage after total joint arthroplasty." AORN Journal, 103(6): 606-613. This article was selected for Continuing Education credit, with an accompanying quiz.
- Hedgeland MJ, Libruk MA, Corbiere NC, Ciani MJ, Kuxhaus L. (2016) "The Odocoileus virginianus femur: mechanical behavior and morphology." PLoS ONE 11(1): e0146611. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0146611 Data available at: doi:10.5061/dryad.59gg3.
- McDonald LT, Clark AM, Landauer AK, Kuxhaus L. (2015) "Winning the war on surgical site infection: the role of a preoperative evidence-based intervention bundle in total joint arthroplasty." AORN J, 102(2):182.e1-182.e11. doi: 10.1016/j.aorn.2015.06.007.
- Throop AD, Clark AM, Kuxhaus L. (2015) "An adjustable-length intramedullary nail: development and mechanical evaluation in cervine tibiae.” J Med Dev; 9(2):024503-024503-5. doi: 10.1115/1.4030152.
- Miller MC, Kuxhaus L, Cowgill ML, Cook HA, Druschel M, Palmer B, Baratz ME. (2015) “Unique model evokes the supination/pronation deficits found after Mason II fractures.” J Orthop Res, 33(3),343-8. doi: 10.1002/jor.22771.
- Throop AD, Landauer AK, Clark AM, Kuxhaus L. (2015) "Cervine tibia morphology and mechanical strength: a suitable tibia model?" J Biomech Eng, 137(3), 034503 (6 pages) doi: 10.1115/1.4029302.
- Landauer AK, Mondal S, Yuya PA, Kuxhaus L. (2014) "Cyclic cryopreservation affects the nanoscale material properties of trabecular bone." J Biomech 47, pp.3584-89 doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2014.08.027.
- Corbiere NC, Lewicki KA, Issen KA, Kuxhaus L. (2014) "Creating physiologically realistic vertebral fractures in a cervine model." J Biomech Eng, 136, 064504-1 – 064504-4. doi: 10.1115/1.4027059.
- Kuxhaus L, Zeng S, Robinson CJ. (2014) “Dependence of elbow joint stiffness measurements on speed, angle, and muscle contraction level.” J Biomech, 47(5):1234-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2013.12.008.
- Sotereanos NG, Wohlrab D, Hofer A, Kuxhaus L, Miller MC. (2013) “Subsidence in two uncemented femoral stems: an in vitro study.”Proc Inst Mech Eng (H): J Eng Med. 227(10), 1067-1072. doi: 10.1177/0954411913493877.
- Tanaka M, Weisenbach CA, Miller MC, Kuxhaus L. (2011) “A continuous method to compute model parameters for soft biological materials.” J Biomech Eng,133(7), 074502:1-7.
- Kuxhaus L, Schimoler PJ, Vipperman JS, Miller MC. (2009) “Validation of a feedback-controlled elbow simulator design: elbow muscle moment arm measurement.” J Med Dev,3(1), 021002:1-7. doi: 10.1115/1.3191725.
- Kuxhaus L, Schimoler PJ, Vipperman JS, Baratz ME, Miller MC. (2009) “Effects of camera switching on fine accuracy in a motion capture system.” J Biomech Eng, 131(1), 014502:1-6. doi: 10.1115/1.3002910.
- Conti S, Dazen D, Stewart G, Green A, Martin R, Kuxhaus L, Miller, MC. (2008) “Proprioception after total ankle arthroplasty.” Foot and Ankle International, 29(11), 1069-1073. doi: 10.3113/FAI.2008.1069.
- Espiritu M, Kuxhaus L, Kaufman RA, Li ZM, Goitz RJ. (2005) “Quantifying the effect of the distal intrinsic release procedure on proximal interphalangeal joint flexion: a cadaveric study.”J Hand Surg [Am] 30A(5), 1032-1038. doi: 0.1016/j.jhsa.2005.05.003.
- Kuxhaus L, Valero-Cuevas FJ, and Roach SS. (2005) “Quantifying deficits in the 3D force capabilities of a digit caused by selective paralysis: Application to the thumb with simulated low ulnar nerve palsy.”, J Biomech, 38(4), 725-736. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2004.05.010.
- Li ZM, Fisk JA, Kuxhaus L, Christophel TH. (2005) “Coupling between wrist flexion-extension and radial-ulnar deviation.” Clin Biomech, 20(2), 177-183. doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2004.10.002.