Carl Hoover

Associate Professor / Director of MAE Laboratories
Carl  Hoover Headshot


Dr. Carl D. Hoover is Associate Professor and Director of Laboratories in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Clarkson University where he teaches engineering courses and researches data science applications. Dr. Hoover's MAE lab course sequence Measurement & Instrumentation, Experimental Methods, and Test Engineering are at the heart of Clarkson's hands-on engineering education.

Dr. Hoover oversees several engineering research facilities in the Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP) building at Clarkson including our wind tunnel facility and several mechanical testing labs. Carl leads the Academic Test Equipment Asset Management & Safety (A-TEAMS) committee which he founded.

Working with industry partners, Dr. Hoover co-developed Solinsky Challenge manufacturing-focused microcredential courses in Statistical Process Control, Basic Statistics for Manufacturing, Design for Manufacturing and Assembly, and Manufacturing Assembly Methods.

Carl brings over 15 years of industry experience to the classroom with experience ranging from aerospace test engineering to executive leadership.  Prior to academia, Carl served as CTO of Elder Research, where he now consults as a Senior Advisor. Carl has managed R&D, led a world-class team of scientists, and served on several DoD projects. Dr. Hoover previously taught NGA College's Program of Study in Data Science graduate courses through Mizzou. Classes he's taught include Introduction to Data Science, Data Science for Managers, Data Visualization, Statistical & Mathematical Foundations of Data Analytics, and Data Analytics from Applied Machine Learning.

Carl advises SAE Formula Knights, InterVarsity, and Curling Clubs. Carl enjoys community service, playing guitar, and exploring the Adirondacks with his family.

Education Background

Ph.D. & M.S. - Clarkson University
BS - University of Virginia

Courses Taught

  • ME419 - Data Science Tools
  • ME411 - Heat Transfer
  • ME401 - Test Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
  • ME341 - Mechanics of Machine Elements
  • ME301 - Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering
  • ME201 - Measurement & Instrumentation in Mechanical Engineering
  • ES443 - Undergraduate Research
  • ES220 - Statics
  • AE401 - Test Engineering in Aerospace Engineering
  • AE301 - Experimental Methods in  AerospaceEngineering
  • AE201 - Measurement & Instrumentation in Aerospace Engineering

Research Interests

Dr. Hoover's research interests are in machine learning and testing applications in engineering, manufacturing and measurement systems. Current projects include temporal relational dependence models in STEM and manufacturing digital twins.


  • Sharar, S., Hoover C.D., Reliability and Preventive Maintenance of Ducted Wind Turbines, arXiv:2403.09760, 2024.
  • Hoover C.D., Brunk J., Jermann, N., Sharp, R., A Survey of Task-based Machine Learning Content Extraction Services for VIDINT, An Elder Research Tool Comparison Report, arXiv:2207.04158, 2022.
  • Chou, V., Kent, Góngora, Ballerini, Hoover, C.D., Towards Automatic Extractive Text Summarization of A-133 Single Audit Reports with Machine Learning, arXiv:1911.06197, 2019.
  • Hoover, C. D., Fulk, G. D. and Fite, K. B., Stair Ascent with a Powered Transfemoral Prosthesis Under Direct Myoelectric Control, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Volume. 18, No. 3, pp. 11911200, 2013.
  • Hoover, C. D., Fulk, G. D. and Fite, K. B., The Design and Initial Experimental Validation of an Active Myoelectric Transfemoral Prosthesis, ASME Journal of Medical Devices, vol. 6, no. 1, pp.011005-12, 2012.
  • Hoover, C. D., Fite, K. B., Fulk, G. and Holmes, D., Myoelectric Torque Control of an Active Transfemoral Prosthesis during Stair Ascent, 2011 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2011.
  • Hoover, C. D. and Fite, K. B., A Configuration Dependent Muscle Model for the Myoelectric Control of a Transfemoral Prosthesis, 2011 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 2011.
  • Hoover, C. D. and Fite, K. B., Development of a Powered-Knee Transfemoral Prosthesis Prototype, ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC2011-53305, 2011.
  • Hoover, C. D. and Fite, K. B., Preliminary Evaluation of Myoelectric Control of an Active Transfemoral Prosthesis During Stair Ascent, 2010 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2010.



Office Phone Number: 315/268-3823

Office Location: 264 CAMP Building

Clarkson Box Number: CU Box 5725


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Office Hours

  • Monday: 10-12
  • Wednesday: 10-12
  • Friday: 10-12