Dana Olzenak McGuire

Adjunct Instructor
Dana  Olzenak McGuire Headshot


Dana McGuire is a clinical associate professor of physical therapy in the Lewis School of Health & Life Sciences where she teaches administration and leadership in physical therapy; population health, wellness, and prevention; and statistics. Dr. McGuire has had diverse opportunities in both physical therapy and public health. She returns to Clarkson after serving as the public health director of St. Lawrence County, New York, where she led the COVID-19 pandemic response; directed local health department programs, activities, and grants; and led county-wide opioid response efforts. Prior to that she was an epidemiologist and epidemic intelligence service (EIS) officer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; program director of the Physical Therapy Department at Nazareth College; and director of clinical education in the Physical Therapy Department at Clarkson.

Dr. McGuire has worked with a variety of patients in diverse settings: from acute to chronic conditions, premature infants in early intervention to older adults in long term care, rural to urban and domestic to international locations in ambulatory and inpatient facilities. She brought her clinical experience to her work in both the Physical Activity and Developmental Disability branches when she worked at CDC as an EIS officer. 

Education Background

  • PhD in Epidemiology – 2015, University of Rochester
  • Doctorate in Physical Therapy – 2006, Drexel University
  • Master of Business Administration – 2002, Clarkson University
  • Combined Bachelor and Master of Science in Physical Therapy – 1998, D’Youville University

Courses Taught

  • PT 645 Practice Management in the Autonomous Environment
    PT 617 Professional Practice IV A&B – Community Health and Wellness
    PT 518 Analytical Methods for Evidence Based Practice
    PT 508 Evidence-based Practice


  • ARC Jefferson St. Lawrence Foundation Board President
  • Girls on the Run Potsdam NY Site Director and Coach
  • New York State Cancer Detection and Education Program Advisory Council;
  • New York State DOH Disability and Health Advisory Group Member

Research Interests

  • Practice Management
  • Health Promotion
  • Research Methods

Clinical Practice

School-based pediatrics


Clarkson University Bertrand H. Snell Service Award, October 2021 for St. Lawrence County COVID-19 response                             

New York State Senate Commendation Award, Senator Joseph Griffo, July 2021 for COVID-19 response efforts        

St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce Appreciation Award, March 2021 for county COVID-19 response efforts
Rose Day Award, Zonta Club of Canton, March 2021 for COVID-19 response efforts

CDC National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Honor Award, March 2017 for exemplary leadership and support of CDC’s response to Zika virus epidemic

American Public Health Association Disability Section Student Scholarship Award, September 2013


2023 Youth Sports and Education Opportunity Funding- March 2023
New York State Office for Children and Family Services $5000 for Potsdam and Colton Girls on the Run Program

2022 Youth Sports and Education Opportunity Funding- July 2022
New York State Office for Children and Family Services $4712 for Potsdam Girls on the Run Program

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield 2020 Community Health Award- March 2020              
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield’s Utica $4,000 for Breastfeeding Friendly Environments in the Workplace program

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield 2018 Community Health Award- November 2018     
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield’s Utica $5,000 for Walk With A Doc program

Community Health Mini-Grant Program- October 2014
Center for Community Health, University of Rochester $1,000 for Youth Experiences with Therapeutic Horseback Riding and Hippotherapy

Disability Determination Process Small Grant Program- May 2014
Policy Research Inc. $10,000 for a research study to examine the Association between Motor Proficiency and Participation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder


McGuire DLO, Tian LH, Yeargin-Allsopp M, Dowling N, Christensen D. Prevalence of cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, hearing loss, and blindness, National Health Interview Survey 2009—2016. (2019). Disability and Health Journal, 12(3): 443-451.

Omura JD, Ussery EN, Ellis E, Arnold-Lewis K, Orr J, McGuire DO, Lewis L, Paul P, Peterson EL, Fulton JE, Carlson SA. (2018). Community and Street-Scale Supports for Walking in the US Virgin Islands, 2016. Am J Public Health, 108(8): 1055-1058.

Mead PS, Duggal NK, Hook SA, Delorey M, Fischer M, McGuire DO, Becksted H, Max RJ, Anishchenko M, Schwartz AM, Tzeng W, Nelson C, McDonald EM, Brooks JT, Brault AC, Hinckley AF. (2018). Zika Virus Shedding in Semen and Urine of Symptomatically Infected Men. New England J Med, 378(15):1377-1385.

McGuire DO, Watson KB, Carroll DD, Courtney-Long EA, Carlson SA. (2018). Using Two Disability Measures to Compare Physical Inactivity Among US Adults With Disabilities. Prev Chronic Dis, Jan 18; 15 E08. doi: 10.5888/pcd15.170261 5:170261.

Armstrong P, Hennessey M, Adams M, Cherry C, Chiu S, Harrist A, Kwit N, Lewis L, McGuire DLO, Oduyebo T, Russell K, Talley P, Tanner M, Williams C, Zika Virus Response Epidemiology and Laboratory Team. (2016). Travel-Associated Zika Virus Disease Cases Among U.S. Residents — United States, January 2015–February 2016. MMWR, March 25, 2016 65(11): 286-289.

McGuire DLO, Metzger K, Li X, Cudia K, et al. Association Between Teaching Method and DPT Student Knowledge, Confidence, and Attitudes of Statistical Analyses for Evidence-based Practice. NYAPTA Annual Conference. Saratoga, NY. Poster Presentation. October 2023.

Watson J, Smith S, McGuire DLO. Increasing Access to Narcan Training in Rural New York. Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit. Nashville TN. Poster Presentation. April 2020.

McGuire DO, Tian LH, Yeargin-Allsopp M, Dowling NF, Christensen DL. Prevalence of 4 Disabilities: Cerebral Palsy, Intellectual Disability, Hearing Loss, and Blindness. American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Disabilities. Cincinnati OH. Platform Presentation. October 2018.

McGuire DLO, Hyman SL, Fulk GD, van Wijngaarden E. Association between Participation and Quality of Life in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. New Orleans LA. Poster Presentation. February 2018.

Omura JD, Ussery E, McGuire DLO, Lewis L, Orr J, Paul P, Peterson EL, Fulton JE, Arnold-Lewis K, Ellis E, Carlson SA. Assessing Street-scale Supports For Walking In the U.S. Virgin Islands — 2016. (Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 49:919-920) American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. Poster Presentation. June 2017.



Office Phone Number: 315/268-2152

Office Location: 2011 Clarkson Hall

Clarkson Box Number: CU Box 5880