Nick Tepylo

Assistant Professor Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Nick  Tepylo Headshot


Dr. Nick Tepylo is a researcher dedicated to advancing aviation technologies. Prior to joining Clarkson University in 2024, he completed postdoctoral fellowships at École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) and Carleton University focusing on novel applications of drones and their impact on society. His Ph.D. research took a hybrid approach to mitigating ice accretion on helicopters by combining icephobic coatings with electro-thermal and electro-mechanical systems to create a lower energy solution for de-icing. Throughout his career, Dr. Tepylo has been dedicated to aviation, earning both his glider and private pilot's licenses and he is active in teaching aviation-themed courses. Although new to Clarkson, Dr. Tepylo aims to focus his research program on using drones as a tool to help society and addressing the future challenges the aviation industry will face.

Education Background

  • Ph.D. - 2022 Carleton University and INSA-Toulouse
  • MASc. - 2017 Carleton University
  • B.Eng - 2015 Carleton University

Courses Taught

  • AE450: Aircraft Design I
  • AE451: Aircraft Design II


Faculty Advisor for Clarkson University AIAA Design, Build & Fly team
Research Council Vice-Chair for the Advanced Air Mobility Institute




Office Phone Number: 315/268-6580

Office Location: 202 CAMP Building

Clarkson Box Number: CU Box 5725