James Peploski Promoted to Full Professor on the Teaching Track at Clarkson University

June 17, 2024

James Peploski has been promoted from associate professor on the teaching track to full professor of chemistry and biomolecular science at Clarkson University.

Headshot, Jim Peploski

Peploski earned his Ph.D. in chemistry from Clarkson University. He teaches undergraduate courses in structure and bonding, chemistry equilibrium and dynamics, and general chemistry.

He coordinates the first-year chemistry courses at Clarkson, including the development of instructional laboratory materials and supervision of graduate and undergraduate Teaching Assistants.  He has taught more than 30,000 students during his career at Clarkson and trained over 200 Teaching Assistants.  He implements STEM education opportunities through partnerships between Clarkson and North Country schools. His STEM “Edutainment” Chemistry Show (Dr. Jim's Chemistry Show) has been presented more than 100 times to high school, middle school, and elementary school students, as well as to Clarkson students, families, and alumni. 

He has received the Faculty Teaching Excellence Endowed Fund Award, The Outstanding Academic Advisor Award, The Residence Hall Association Faculty Award, The Distinguished Teaching Award, The Outstanding New Teacher Award, and the Outstanding Teaching Award all from Clarkson. He has also been awarded the Advancing High School STEM Education award through the MythOlympics Games, sponsored by the ALCOA Foundation.

Peploski was born and raised in central New York state. He enjoys bicycling, photography, and hiking in the scenic Adirondack mountains.

Clarkson University is a proven leader in technological education, research, innovation and sustainable economic development. With its main campus in Potsdam, N.Y., and additional graduate program and research facilities in the Capital Region and Hudson Valley, Clarkson faculty have a direct impact on more than 7,800 students annually through nationally recognized undergraduate and graduate STEM designated degrees in engineering, business, science and health professions; executive education, industry-relevant credentials and K-12 STEM programs. Alumni earn salaries among the top 2% in the nation: one in five already leads in the c-suite. To learn more go to www.clarkson.edu.
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