Python Environment and Syntax

Python Environment and Syntax
NYT Build Your Own College Rankings Example Chart: 1. Stanford U 2. Duke U 3. MIT 4. Villanova U 5. Dartmouth 6. Harvey Mudd 7. Princeton U 8. Boston College 9. Clarkson U 10. Stevens IT Intermediate Python Syntax Skills Badge

Earn this microcredential

Participants in this course:

  • Identify cases where Python can be used to solve a problem;
  • Set up a Python environment; and
  • Write and run basic Python scripts.

In demand by managers, analysts, and students, learners gain a command of Python’s basic vocabulary and concepts, knowledge of the Python environment, foundational use of the language syntax, concepts, and ways to use Python.     

Browse Course Details Sample LessonMeet the Instructor

This course gave me the confidence to add Python to my resume."

Mike Jones '25 BS Civil & Environmental Engineering

Course Details

At Clarkson, our microcredentials are designed by industry experts, built by educators.

You earn a digital badge to signal specific achievement to your professional network. These are concise, specialized skills and knowledge, providing a flexible and efficient way for learners to acquire industry-relevant competencies. The digital badge is verified through Open Badge Factory and can be added to your LinkedIn, resume, online portfolio or more.  

The Python Environment and Syntax Microcredential is composed of the following 7 learning modules:

  • CLI (Command Line Interface) Environment
  • Assignment, Types, Functions, and Errors
  • Banner
  • Logical Expressions: if / elif / else, code nesting, input()
  • Type Conversions and Function Definitions
  • Collections
  • Opening Files, Paths. 

Within each module are video lessons, a self-assessed problem set that includes solutions, and an auto-graded multiple-choice exam. 

KNOWLEDGE: Earners will be assessed via several multiple-choice exams. Exams are graded immediately and multiple attempts are allowed. Learners will also complete problem sets and then self-assess their work using provided solutions.

Set up a Python environment by installing Python and Jupyter Lab Notebook on a personal computer.

Complete and self-assess your coding work on all six Python problem sets.

Pass multiple "knowledge check" quizzes with a score of 80% or higher (multiple retries are allowed).

Enroll NowAvailable to current students, faculty & staff.


Python (Programming Language), Coding


Self-paced, online microcredential course. Earn at your pace.


Enroll anytime.




10 hours

Sample Lesson

Join Professor Tyler Conlon in this eight minute opening lesson as he kicks off this challenging new learning experience into the world of Python. Built for managers and analysts interested in leveling-up their programming expertise, this first lesson is sure to entice you along a successful path for a more skilled version of you.

Watch the Python Environment and Syntax Microcredential Sample Lesson

Meet Your Instructor

Tyler Conlon has built and instructed eight software development and data processing courses since 2010. Course material has been developed from his consulting experience over the past 15 years. Tyler has developed processes and software ranging from custom ecommerce platforms to middleware data processing apps to his more recent work with API deployments and containerization. He enjoys building data capture and preprocessing systems and has developed several cellular connected products in the past few years.

"An organization can spend a tremendous amount of time and resources capturing and preprocessing their data. Most data scientists spend the vast majority of their time cleaning and reorganizing their data before they can do analysis. My focus has always been on this beginning part of the data pipeline. Understanding quirks and caveats with a certain dataset or capture process are essential to being able to do an effective analysis. This is what the majority of my course material and consulting work covers."

Get Ready to Learn

Clarkson students, faculty and staff: All students at Clarkson are encouraged to earn microcredentials. Sign up to get started right away. When you click to enroll, login using Clarkson email and proceed to microcredential learning.

New and Returning Guests: if you are an alum, partner or friend of Clarkson - Welcome! We have many microcredentials that are available for you to sign up for. If returning, simply login using your own email or if new, click to create a new account. Follow prompts for pricing and payment. Begin learning in no time at all.