This minor is for students interested in exploring concepts and tools associated with the design and marketing of new products. Courses support four dimensions of product development: a) new product planning - plan and develop the entire lifecycle of a product, b) understanding the social and environmental impact of technical solutions, c) establishing functional, technical, and aesthetic components of product design, and d) generating virtual and physical prototypes.
Coursework in this minor also supports learning about marketing new products, including crafting a clear message, identifying appropriate distribution channels, customer acquisition and engagement, customer co-innovation, and using social media and analytics to manage messaging. This minor requires that students complete 21 credit hours (seven courses), maintain a 2.0 average in minor courses and satisfy the requirements indicated below. Five required (15 credits) courses include:
- Either SB236 Introduction to Customer-Focused Design
- or COMM229 Principles of User Experience
- or SB322 Designing and Leading Innovative Ventures Design
plus: - MK320 Principles of Marketing
- MK/PY321 Consumer Behavior (Prereq: MK320) (fall only)
- MK332 Marketing Research (Prereq: MK320 and MA/STAT282 or MA/STAT383) (spring only)
- MK436 Creativity, Innovation & New Product Development (Prereq: MK320) (fall only)
Two courses (6 credits) from the following choices:
- COMM100/DA100 2D Digital Design
- COMM210 Theory of Rhetoric for Business, Science, and Engineering
- COMM219 Introduction to Social Media
- COMM314 Placemaking, Marketing and Promotion
- COMM345 Information Design (COMM 229)
- COMM347 Design Thinking
- COMM375 Product Design
- COMM448 Portraying Innovation through the Lens
- COMM449 Narrating Innovation
- COMM450 Leading Innovation
- SB/EM356 Invention Development & Protection
Required: MK 419: New Product Development and Marketing Portfolio (0 credits)
- *MK 419 - New Product Development and Marketing Portfolio (0-credit, Pass/Fail)
*This Portfolio is the mechanism by which students enrolled in the New Product Development and Marketing Minor maintain a repository of their work within the minor and in related areas of study and work during their time at Clarkson. This portfolio should include at least evidence from four (4) new product development and/or marketing projects that were completed by the student during their Clarkson experience. The portfolio can by multimedia and include both coursework and work from extracurricular activities, entrepreneurial initiatives, or Internship/co-op work experiences.